What’s Next 1004 (Amber White – Nan & Pop’s Country Store, Kyle Vass – ACLU WV – Huntington Homeless Shelter, Joe Jarvis – 5 Years Flew By)

On this episode, we had 3 great guests to wrap up our week-long celebration of 100 episodes. I started by chatting with Amber White, who runs Nan & Pop's Country Store in Coal City, WV. Recently, I stopped by and filmed a TikTok there reviewing their pepperoni rolls and after that, things got a little bit crazy. Then, I spoke with Kyle Vass (Investigative Journalist - ACLU WV) who told me the latest news regarding the closing an emergency shelter in Huntington after the new Mayor single handedly denied it's funding. Finally, I caught up with my good friend and former Co-Host on the show, Joe Jarvis. While I'm lucky enough to still get to work with him sometimes, he's been working at a remote job that, much like this show, wouldn't even exist, if not for the pandemic. This may be one of my favorite episodes and it was a great way to wrap up this week.